Beauty Tech Review: Body Contouring
As liposuction procedures have evolved from a dangerous operation with mixed results to a reliable, safe procedure, much thanks should be given to technological advances. Ultrasonic technology has made its way into aesthetics, and Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL) is sculpting bodies with amazing precision.
"Traditional liposuction is using standard cannulas. There's no energy that's imparted to the tissues. There's really nothing other than the mechanical aspects of the liposuction cannula itself that helps you get the fat out," says Plastic Surgeon who specializes in Vaser body contouring in Denver Dr. David Broadway. "Ultrasound actually helps to emulsify the fat. It sort of shakes the grapes off the vine so to speak. That makes it easier to get the fat out. If it's easier to get the fat out, you're not carving on wood, you're carving on a block of butter and so it not only makes it much easier to get the fat out but also makes it much easier to sculpt people and that's really the goal. It's not to just volumetrically reduce people but to actually sculpt people."
Ultrasound can be used anywhere traditional lipo can, and even in some delicate areas like the neck where many physicians prefer not to perform liposuction. "You can use it on the face, male and female breast, abs and flanks, any part of the body that you can do standard lipo on you can use the ultrasound as well," says Dr. Broadway.
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Actual Results of Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction by Dr. David Broadway
Dr. Broadway has developed a procedure which he calls Hi-Def that uses Vaser ultrasonic lipo technology. "Basically that incorporates the technology from Vaser and again helps us to emulsify the fat but it's also a technique ? a structured way to get about doing your procedures that allows us to get a more defined look, a more athletic look, a more youthful look than simply de-bulking someone."
The Hi Def procedure in particular is not meant for large volume fat removal. "This is not a procedure for somebody that's significantly overweight. Someone who is trying to lose weight as a result of a procedure. This is more confined to people who are average or slightly overweight or thin people who can't get the results they are look for in the gym. Most of our patients are normal weight or thin who want to look more athletic."
Another advantage of UAL is there's no need for general anesthesia. "Basically, you can do this procedure under a tumescent technique or you can use a regional and rarely, if ever, you can do it under general anesthesia as well. You inject your tumescent fluid, I like to use a bit more that what [Sound Surgical Technologies] (SST) has recommended. Then we do the ultrasound.... We get full emulsification and then we begin the liposuction procedure."
Patients do still need to wear garments to assist in healing. "Occasionally we use drains - not always but oftentimes we do so.... If they are a high def patient they have a foam garment rather than the standard garments that are utilized. We put a standard garment over that but the problem with the standard garment with very superficial work is you get contour irregularities you get garment deformities so to prevent hat we use our own form garment that we designed which has been very helpful. We also have a post lipo care program where we're doing lymphatic massage, we use radio frequency and ultrasound and if the patient takes advantage of that we have seen fewer seromas and a quicker recovery."
Recovery time is fast, but varies depending on how much fat is removed. "It's highly variable depending on the volume we take out and the type of lipo we are performing. Is it standard or high def; smaller areas you can get back to work fairly quickly - 2-3 days if it's a high def case could be a week to 10 days. [T]he final result for standard lipo cases a week or two, for high def it could be as long as five months."
Actual Before and After Photos of Vaser Hi-Def and Natural Breast Augmentation
Dr. David Broadway
Triple board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Broadway is preeminent Colorado cosmetic surgeon in his field and one of few who has been board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the American Board of Otolaryngology. Dr. Broadway is one of the most recognized plastic surgeons in the state of Colorado among patients and colleagues, and he is also an international instructor teaching other surgeons, at the bod:evolve facility, the most advanced body sculpting techniques including VASER? Hi Def Lipo and VASER? Hi Def Breast. Dr. Broadway enjoys hosting seminars, lectures, and training courses educating new surgeons on the artistry and obtainable results of brilliant cosmetic procedures.
American Health and Beauty, in an effort to provide the most up-to-date information to our readers, presents the Beauty Tech Review. The next installment in this ongoing series discusses Body Contouring technology. Join American Health and Beauty editor, Keith Veseleny, as he speaks with leading physicians who share their knowledge on each body contouring platform.
The Beauty Tech Review: Body Contouring - will include: Dr. Mark Schusterman on Traditional Liposuction, Dr. Thomas Barnes on Laser Lipolysis, Dr. Jeffrey Hall and Dr. Victoria Falcone on Tickle Lipo, Dr. David Broadway on Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction Dr. Todd Malan on {!Water Assisted Liposuction | Body-Jet} Drs. Rox Anderson, Henry Chan and Lori Brightman on Zeltiq, Dr. Elizabeth VanderVeer on Injection Lipolysis and Dr. Thomas Barnes and Dr. Richard D'Amico on Radio Frequency Liposuction.
Previous Beauty Tech Reviews have included the following topics: Laser Lipoloysis and Fractional Resurfacing.