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Tackle that Double Chin!


If you've tried neck exercises, neck-tightening creams etc, but can't erase that dreaded double chin there is still hope. The new FDA-approved KYBELLA™ injection is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that gets rid of a double chin, all without surgery.

According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 68% of people say they're bothered by the area under their chin. Kybella contours the area under the chin by destroying fat cells, giving you a smooth neck lift. After treating your double chin with Kybella, there's no more embarrassment when your profile is photographed in that Instagram picture or FaceTime chats.

SHORT Kybella Before and After Results
Photo Courtesy of Kybella
Director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in New York City, Dr. Bruce Katz, MD, was involved in the FDA study trials and is already trained and has experience in using Kybella. He is among the first in the nation to offer Kybella to patients. A highly respected and sought out dermatologist, Dr. Katz is a pioneer when it comes to the latest treatments available.

"Kybella will make an excellent addition to the practice, since many of my patients come to me complaining about the excess fat around their chins. They don't want to go through surgery. Kybella is a revolutionary procedure because it allows us to offer a safe nonsurgical option to give patients the face shape that they've been seeking," says Dr. Katz.