As we age, our face loses volume and we start to see skin laxity, particularly around the jawline, neck, and chin. For some, genetics play a large part in defining the neck, regardless of age or weight. Whichever the case, there is now a minimally invasive option to getting a neck lift to address this problem area. Ann Arbor Smartlipo Neck Lift provider Dr. Robert Burke uses Smartlipo to offer patients a more defined chin, neck and jawline.

Melissa's Actual Smartlipo Necklift Alternative Results
Images Courtesy of Dr. Robert Burke
"Similar to liposculpture technique, fluid is placed in the area to safely use the Smartlipo laser," describes Dr. Burke, "The laser gently heats up the area, dissolving a bit of fat, although fat isn't the major issue. If there's a little bit of fat to be taken out, we'll remove it at the same time, but the laser stimulates the skin to gently tighten up."
According to Dr. Burke, the Smartlipo Neck Lift is a great alternative for many patients who are dissatisfied with their jawlines. Older patients who are developing jowls and starting to lose neck definition and are considering a mini facelift, the Smartlipo Neck Lift may tighten skin and restore definition. For younger patients who have never had definition in that area, as in the case of Melissa F., Dr. Burke also recommends the Smartlipo Neck Lift.
"I decided to have this procedure done because it's a hereditary thing with my neck - I get it from my mom, who also gets it from her dad. Basically, there isn't a defining between the chin and the neck so I wanted him to go in and tighten that up for me," says Melissa, "It's one of those problem areas where no matter how much weight you lose, it's always there. I actually heard of Dr. Burke from one of his employees, who is a client of mine. She told me about him so I drove out to Ann Arbor and had a consultation with him and I've been pleased ever since." 
Melissa's Actual Smartlipo Neck lift Before and After Results
Images Courtesy of Dr. Robert Burke
The Smartlipo Neck Lift, Dr. Burke states, "It's a simple outpatient procedure that can either be done under local anesthesia or light sedation. There are three tiny incisions about the size of the end of the ball point pen, no sutures, and quick recovery." The entire procedure takes approximately an hour to complete.
Melissa is more than pleased with her results, "There were no stitches, there was a little tiny incision right under the chin and there was one behind each ear. So it's not noticeable, you can't see it at all." She describes her downtime as being very minimal with little swelling. "I could have gone to work the next day but I chose to take it off to get extra tightening with the head wrapping. When I went back to work the day after, the swelling was down, no one knew, and everything was great!"