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Scar-less Arm Lift Alternative With Smartlipo


Using laser technology, Smartlipo may offer patients more contoured and sculpted upper arms without having to undergo surgery.

As technology continues to improve in aesthetic medicine, more people are searching for cosmetic results that do not require surgery. One such procedure, the minimally invasive Arm Lift alternative which is performed with Smartlipo may offer patients a way to tighten up moderately lax skin on their upper arms, also known as Bat Arms.

smartlipo arm lift results
Actual Before and After Smartlipo Arm Lift Results of Dr. Louis Cole

According to Atlanta cosmetic surgeon Dr. Louis Cole, "Brachioplasty, also known as an Arm Lift, often leaves patients with displeasing scars so we offer a combination procedure that is based on the Smartlipo Triplex. Performed in the proper way, this Arm Lift alternative can remove fat and provide skin tightening in the arm area."

A traditional Arm Lift is a major surgical procedure in which excess skin in the arm area is cut away and then sewn back up. Ideal for patients who have lost a lot of weight, through medical weight loss such as the Gastric Bypass Surgery, an Arm Lift is the only way to address a significantly large amount of extra skin in that area. Complications include risks from general anesthesia and longer downtime and one of the side effects post-surgery are long scars that traverse the arms from skin and tissue being sewn back together.
smartlipo arm lift before after photos
Actual Before and After Smartlipo Arm Lift Results of Dr. Louis Cole

However, for patients who have moderate skin laxity in the arms, an Arm Lift may be too extreme and unnecessary. Strategic use of laser lipolysis technology such as the Smartlipo Triplex may offer these patients a way to rid themselves of extra fat in the arms while tightening up the skin in the area. "The Smartlipo Triplex offers physicians a little bit more power in comparison to previous iterations of the device. Although it has a high safety profile with the internal therma-guide temperature monitor, the Triplex also has more power to melt more fat quickly and efficiently," remarks Dr. Cole.

"The Smartlipo Triplex offers physicians the opportunity to melt fat in a safe manner and offers patients good sculpted results because along with the removal of fat, the laser really aids with skin tightening," continues Dr. Cole. At his practice in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Cole will often combine Smartlipo with other skin tightening treatments such as Thermage or VelaShape to increase tightening effects without having to perform surgery. "By double-downing and combining non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures, we can get good skin tightening results in those difficult areas, without significant downtime and scarring," states Dr. Cole.
smartlipo arm lift
Actual Before and After Smartlipo Arm Lift Results of Dr. Louis Cole
Post Treatment: 1 Month

According to Dr. Cole, with the Smartlipo, once the fat is melted and aspirated, the triple blended wavelengths in the laser specifically target collagen beneath the skin. By encouraging new collagen to grow underneath the skin, initial tightening will occur but final results will be apparent between 3-6 months. "Patients will look good at 2-3 days but will look even better at three to six months," explains Dr. Cole.