Essential Exercise Tips from Jillian Michaels


These exercise tips are good for those starting out, and those with more experience.

Jillian Michaels is well known as the tough trainer on The Biggest Loser. She may have started out on the hit NBC show but has since gone on to have her own show, several workout videos and fitness books, weight loss supplement line and even a Wii workout game. Featured on, these 10 tips offer great insight into developing a great fitness program.

jillian michaels exercise

  1. Get Moving - Remember that exercise is about much more than just looking good. It boosts self esteem and improves your mood, not to mention speeding up the metabolism so you have more energy.

  2. Up the Intensity - When you hit the plateau where you can't lose the last few pounds of your diet, upping the intensity of your workouts may resolve the issue. Jillian suggests working at 85% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) for the best results.

  3. Switch It Up - Don't keep doing the same tired moves day after day. Not only will you get bored, but so will your muscles. Change things up every once in a while to keep muscles working their hardest.

  4. Watch Your Form - If your form is off, your results will be too. To prevent dangerous injuries and see the most for all of your effort, take the time to perfect your form.

  5. Eat Before Exercising - Trying to exercise on an empty stomach may leave you without enough energy during your workout. Eat before hand and you'll burn fat for energy instead of muscle.

  6. Talk to Your Doctor - Before you start any exercise program, you should check with your doctor and make sure you don't overdo it. Work at beginner - intermediate levels and stay at about 70% of your MHR.

  7. Circuit Training for Fast Results - This technique uses a series of moves in swift succession without resting in between. This way, you burn fat and strengthen muscle at the same time.

  8. High Intensity Interval Training - This method works short bouts of aerobic exercise into your strength training routine which keeps your muscles guessing and you working your heart as well as your other muscles.

  9. Crunches Won't Give you a Six Pack - It is impossible to reduce fat from just one spot. If you want to see your ab muscles, you need to burn off the fat on top of the muscle. Jillian advises a combination of diet, cardio and all over resistance training.

  10. Don't Hold On - Holding the sides of the treadmill while walking or jogging decreases the intensity and drops your calorie burn by up to 24%. Make sure you're comfortable and have proper balance, and let go.