Emsculpt is so innovative that it has actually created a new category for aesthetic devices by simultaneously building muscle and burning fat. This achievement makes it the obvious choice for the AHB 2018 Readers' Choice Award for "Most Innovative Device".
Emsculpt uses non-invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce supramaximal muscle contractions. By causing supramaximal contractions, a patient can achieve an abs or buttock workout equivalent to performing 20,000 crunches or squats in just a 30-minute session.
Dr. Carolyn Jacob, a dermatologist in Chicago describes the technology, "No other device uses high intensity focused electromagnetic energy to create a positive change in the shape of the body. It is painless, effortless to perform, and can be added onto other treatments that patients are already coming in to have (such as cryolipolysis RF tightening). Plus, no other technology has yet to show changes in muscle tone, a KEY part of our wellbeing and physique. Imagine if we can improve posture, strength and reduce diastasis for sufferers, for the long-term improvement of our health. "
Emsculpt will be featured on The Doctors TV on October 3, 2018 !
Actual Emsculpt abdominal results by Dr. Ed Zimmerman *individual results vary
Clinical studies have shown Emsculpt provides a consistent improvement in diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation).
Dr. Suneel Chilukuri, a dermatologist in Houston confirmed,"patients showed an improvement with diastasis recti and experienced circumferential reduction. Great addition to a non-surgical Mommy Makeover."
Studies have shown up to a 19% reduction in fat and a 16% increase in muscle mass. Treatment protocol is a total of 4 sessions over 2 weeks.
"AHB has 137 Emsculpt providers in the US & Canada and has interacted with thousands of patients over the past 5 months - not one single complaint about the device," expressed Keith Veseleny, Editor of AmericanHealthandBeauty.com. "in my 18 years of covering aesthetic devices & procedures, I've never experienced a new device with only positive feedback!"
Non-Surgical Butt LIft with Emsculpt Image Courtesy of abc13.com *individual results vary
Not only does Emsculpt have no negative feedback on AHB, but it also has a 100% "worth it" rating on RealSelf. Performing a Google search on "Emsculpt complaints" returns no complaints or negative reviews! The company has stated that no adverse reactions to the treatment have been reported to date.
AHB has a history of being first to recognize innovative devices over the years including:
Thermage - the first mainstream RF energy device to heat & tighten skin
SmartLipo - launched the laser lipolysis revolution using laser energy to assist in fat destruction and skin tightening
CoolSculpting - innovative fat destruction through cryolypolis, ie. freezing fat