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Breast Reconstruction Patients Prefer Silicone Implants


Post-reconstruction patients with silicone implants report being more satisfied than those with saline.

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In a study of nearly 500 North American women who underwent breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, those who had silicone implants were more satisfied with their results than those who opted for saline.

The study was just published in the online edition of the journal Cancer and researchers questioned 176 women with silicone implants and 306 women with saline. Those patients with silicone responded that they were more satisfied overall with their reconstructed breasts. The researchers also found that women who had radiation therapy after mastectomy were far less likely to be satisfied with either type of implant.

Another option that the study didn't look at is natural reconstruction using fat transfer. In this procedure, the physician takes out fat from an unwanted deposit such as on the thighs or stomach. That fat is processed and then injected into the breast as a replacement option for traditional implants. Many patients like having a natural option when making a decision for breast reconstruction.

Silicone has been growing in popularity for use in standard breast augmentation. Since receiving FDA clearance, many patients and physicians have turned to silicone because of its more lifelike feel and appearance. Saline breast implants have been known to feel more like a water balloon and may appear rippled. Silicone, on the other hand, is thicker is more consistent with a natural breast.