Patients are losing inches without losing time at work or play with this non-invasive fat reduction procedure.
Patients who seek out the newly FDA approved Zerona treatment should understand what to expect from treatment and what approval means.
Ultrasonic assisted liposuction has taken body contouring to the next level.
Get rid of belly fat with this surgery free liposuction alternative.
After speaking to several medical spas and physician offices who offer Zerona, and reading some of the available literature, we've learned about how Zerona works and how to make it work better.
Body contouring has come out of the operating room but it can be difficult to choose which procedure is right for you.
Zerona offers patients inch loss without surgery, but the effects can be greatly enhanced by following up with some diet and exercise.
It was a huge hit in Japan and now it's available in the United States. This at-home roller delivers an experience that feels like a stimulating facial or lymphatic massage with solar powered micro-current roller technology.
A new contender to the non-invasive body contouring arena: VASER Shape MC1 uses ultrasound and heat to sculpt the body without surgery.
At the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery New Jersey, Dr. Parker and his staff know that the recovery is often the most difficult part of plastic surgery, which is why he formulated his Rapid Recovery Program.
Patients and doctors both may benefit from new MedSculpt technology that prepares the body for optimal results and healing after body contouring procedures.
Hand lifts, Cinderella surgery, changing your eye color forever are just a few of the topics on "The Doctors."