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Corset Platysmaplasty - A Highly Specialized Corset Neck Lift Procedure

Corset Platysmaplasty - A Highly Specialized Corset Neck Lift Procedure

Dr. Anthony Geroulis is one of the few select surgeons now performing a highly specialized neck lift procedure called a Corset Platysmaplasty. The corset neck lift gently pulls upwards the central muscles of the neck to re-contour and re-define the neck region. This less-invasive procedure corrects neck muscle laxity by weakening neck bands, as opposed to removing muscle as is commonly done in many neck lift procedures today.

"The corset-style neck lift has become a very popular, customized procedure at my surgical facility on the North Shore. I recommend it to patients, whether they are in their forties or eighties, who are concerned with unsightly jowls, neck bands, and excess loose skin," explains Chicago-based surgeon Dr. Geroulis.

Sometimes this procedure is performed in conjunction with a facelift, where in some cases, fat may be added or removed to accomplish the perfect neck contour. It reduces jowl and neck bands and its applicability to women as young as forty.