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Technologies and Treatments that can Replace Surgical Facelifts

Technologies and Treatments that can Replace Surgical FaceliftsNew York City Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Cameron Rokhsar, M.D., explains the benefits of using various technologies and treatments like Ultherapy, Thermage, Fraxel laser which are non-invasive treatment to smooth, tighten and contour the skin into a more natural and youthful appearing skin. "Giving patients a wide variety of non-surgical options to treat sagging and sinking skin, can help them reach their cosmetic goals without discomfort. Whether it's a Fraxel, Ulthera or Thermage treatment to tighten the skin, or a filler such as Sculptra,or Radiesse to replace volume and enhance face shape; patients will have plenty of options to meet their goals," says Dr. Rokhsar.