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What Patients Should Expect After a Facelift Procedure

What Patients Should Expect After a Facelift ProcedureFacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Kevin Sadati, released a tip sheet for Orange County patients to use during their facelift recovery. "Facelift recovery experiences will vary based on the patient, and it is essential that patients know what to expect immediately following the operation. The recovery process has a major impact on the final results of the surgery," explains Dr. Kevin Sadati.

Days 1-7: The first 24 hours are the most challenging for patients, and a caretaker should be available at this time to help the patient with daily activities. Even though, most patients will feel well enough to move about the house within 24-48 hours.

Days 8-14: Most patients are feeling significantly better at this point, but they should not be surprised if there is still some residual bruising and swelling.

Days 15-30: At this point, nearly every patient is feeling well enough to return to their normal daily obligations. Patients should talk with their surgeons about any questionable activities or exercise programs that they wish to start again. The incisions will still be healing and may look slightly pink, but most patients can easily hide their incision lines with their hair or makeup. Some swelling may still be present, this is normal in some patients and part of the body’s healing process.

"All of my patients are provided with specific individual instructions for their post-operative period, but this general guideline will help many patients understand what they can expect after their surgery is completed. Having this perspective allows patients to stay positive during their recovery process as they look ahead at their final results," notes Dr. Kevin Sadati.