The LipoSonix treatment uses noninvasive, high-intensity focused ultrasound to permanently get rid of targeted fat around your waistline (abdomen and love handles) without surgery
I've worked hard to get my shape back now I want to get back in that little black dress so says the LipoSonix website and countless women around America ...
For those considering LipoSonix or Exilis Chris Bailey of Ovation Med Spa offers some of his experience with both procedures and how to help determine what is best for the patient ...
Dr Lori Brightman of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York says After long term use some of those bleaching creams can actually worsen pigmentation and we don't have those risks with this new brightening product
Model PhotoThere are a number of fillers we have on market and they're all very well studied says Dr Lori Brightman of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York
Model PhotoDr Lori Brightman is a board certified dermatologist from the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York and she says that when looking for a doctor to provide laser skin procedures it's important to choose a doctor that has several lasers at their disposal
Microskin Results For VitiligoDr Lori Brightman of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York says For a patient that has a birthmark on an entire half of their face think of the time that it takes to apply makeup everyday and because of traditional heavy concealing makeup You're afraid to hug someone or even be outside because you're sweating
Headlines from around the Web: LipoSonix in New York
This isn't meant as a weight loss treatment and won't remove the amount of fat that liposuction would but you can go down one or two dress sizes says dermatologist Dr Bruce Katz of New York Read more
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