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We currently do not show any providers for ThermaFrax near Sewell, New Jersey

However, we are willing to do the research for you. We will research our extensive network of resources and locate providers (if there are any) of the procedure you are looking for. We can generally do this within a few hours but it can take up to 24 hours depending on time of day, etc.

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People researching ThermaFrax frequently inquire about these popular procedures available in your area:

BodyTite (5)    EmbraceRF (2)    EMFACE (1)    EndyMed Pro (7)    Exilis (11)    FaceTite (5)    Pelleve (14)    Skin Tightening (84)    SkinTyte (11)    Sofwave (1)    TempSure Envi (3)    Thermage (10)    ThermiSmooth (8)    ThermiTight (10)    Venus Legacy (8)    


About ThermaFrax

The combination of Thermage and Fraxel fractional laser resurfacing is proving to be extremely effective for skin resurfacing and tightening at the same time. Known as ThermaFrax, this combination can take ten years off your age without any surgery or downtime.

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