Everyone has issues with their skin they're not proud to show, might it be a mole here or a wrinkle there. However, for millions of men and women across the country, the desire to have better or even perfect skin is more of a personal goal than merely a wish. And for every person who hopes for such transformation, the ability to do so is right at their fingertips. Maybe you've heard of two popular and effective laser skin treatments that are available: Fraxel and Thermage. You've heard of the wonderful changes these treatments can make for the appearance and self-esteem of women and men alike.
What is ThermaFrax?
ThermaFrax is an amazing treatment that offers results equivalent to a facelift combined with a face peel, but without the negative associations of pain and annoyance of surgery. When you undergo the procedure you will receive a series of treatments spaced approximately two weeks apart. With ThermaFrax as your personal skin warrior, enter into the battle against discolored skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and slack skin. You'll come out victorious with nary a scar to show for your determination and strong will. An added benefit of ThermaFrax is that there is no scabbing that is commonly associated with traditional skin peels. You'll experience zero down time as well, which really stacks the odds against anyone ever wanting a usual facelift. You can be in, out and on your way to the next shop on your list, thus ThermaFrax fits into your lifestyle easily and effortlessly.
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