Dr. Raphael Lopez offers Tattoo Removal near Haines City, FL

About Tattoo Removal

Medical lasers designed for removing pigment from skin work by producing one or more specific wavelengths of light. Tattoo ink is removed by using this specific wavelength of light which passes into the skin, but is absorbed by the ink. The rapid absorption of light energy causes the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles which can then be removed by the body's natural filtering systems. Whether your tattoo is professional, amateur (homemade), traumatic, or surgical, laser technology has advanced enough to treat all kinds of tattoos. Older techniques for tattoo removal such as dermabrasion, saltabrasion and Argon or CO2 lasers are less effective and often leave behind scars in place of the tattoo. A typical scenario for the removal of a professional tattoo is a cycle of 6-8 treatments, while an amateur tattoo may require 4-5 treatments, all spaced approximately 6-8 weeks apart. The number of treatments depends on the amount and type of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin.

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Dr. Raphael Lopez