Does the mirror seem to disappoint you more and more? How long have you been thinking about taking care of those deepening wrinkles? Maybe it’s time to think about investigating Radiance as an option for prolonging the effects of time. Radiance is a simple non-surgical treatment, performed as a simple injection during an office visit to your physician. A numbing, or anesthetic agent, may be applied to the area, after which Radiance will be injected with a very fine needle designed for cosmetic purposes. As Radiance is gently injected, it builds up the tissues of the face, reducing folds and creases and restoring fullness. It does not paralyze or act on the face's muscles. Enhancement with Radiance is relatively painless, and any minor swelling from the injection typically disappears within 24 hours. You can comfortably return to normal activities after your treatment. Best of all, you'll see results immediately and can expect to enjoy them for up to three or more years.
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