Dermabrasion and its close relative Microdermabrasion are common cosmetic skin treatments used to diminish the appearance of scars, acne scarring, facial spots, wrinkles, or tattoos. Dermabrasion may also be used to remove pre-cancerous cells on the face. The procedure has been around for over 100 years, but has been improved tremendously over the last 20 years. Through a careful method of surgical scraping, the outer layers of skin are removed, resulting in new, smoother skin after a brief period of healing. It may be performed on the entire face or only to specific problem areas. In some cases, a second treatment may be required for best results. Some conditions that can not be corrected with dermabrasion are moles, dark birthmarks, or burn scars. If you have a dark complexion, black or Asian skin, active acne, or extremely sensitive skin, you also may not be a good candidate for this treatment.
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