The Reaction by Viora is a multi-frequency RF medical device for body contouring and skin tightening and is used in the popular ReFit by Reaction protocol
Any woman who wants improvement of her cellulite and wants to move to the next level with a more advanced technology is a good candidate for Reaction by Viora says board certified dermatologist Dr Neil Sadick ...
It's actually extracting heat from the fat cells and your body's natural reaction to the inflammation that's created to slowly dissolve those fat cells over time says Dr Lori Brightman Board Certified Dermatologist of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York ...
Zeltiq results of Dr Lori BrightmanDr Lori Brightman of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York works with Zeltiq and says it works by actually extracting heat from the fat cells and your body's natural reaction to the inflammation that's created is to slowly dissolve those fat cells over time ...
Dr Brightman informs us [Zeltiq is] actually extracting heat from the fat cells and your body's natural reaction to the inflammation that's created is to slowly dissolve those fat cells over time ...
According to San Francisco Zerona provider Dr Joel Beck The way that the Zerona works is we shine the laser on the skin and it cause fat cells to create a pore where it expels its contents causing the fat cell to shrink
As seen on San Francisco Channel 7 ABC News the Vaser Shape uses ultrasound technology to heat the fat cells to a point of liquefaction which is then expelled by the body's natural processes
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