Like all targeted fat reduction procedures UltraShape is not a weight loss procedure it is for targeted spot fat reduction in areas like love handles saddle bags the muffin top and abdomen etc ...
Unlike many other body shaping technologies UltraShape uses a pure mechanical effect to destroy fat cells without using heat so treatments are comfortable ...
According to Dr Suzanne Kilmer the founding director of the Laser and Skin Surgery Center in Sacramento CA the treatment is on par in efficacy to neurotoxins but as BOTOX or Dysport breaks down within 6-9 months this new technology shows a long-term and potentially permanent treatment to excessive sweating
According to Dr Suzanne Kilmer the founding director of the Laser and Skin Surgery Center in Sacramento CA the treatment is on par in efficacy to neurotoxins but as BOTOX or Dysport breaks down within 6-9 months this new technology shows a long-term and potentially permanent treatment to excessive sweating
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