Over the years new methods and technologies have been developed that have made liposuction an increasingly safe and effective treatment for body contouring ...
For the body contouring aspect an ideal patient is someone who is withing 5-10 pounds of their ideal body weight but has pockets or areas where they have fat they would like to spot reduce ...
Model PhotoRecently seen on The Today Show with Kathy Lee Gifford undergoing treatment for her meno-pot and The View the country is a buzz with whether or not the Exilis technology is panning out to be both a skin tightening and non-invasive body contouring device ...
At Dr Stevens' practice Marina Plastic Surgery Associates some men are also exploring noninvasive body contouring options such as the Zeltiq CoolSculpting | Zeltiq which uses cryoplipolysis to freeze spot fat ...
I think male body contouring is becoming more popular because of a number of different reasons said Dr David Broadway a Denver-based Colorado Hi-Def Lipo Surgeon ...
Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon who offers Zerona in Napa CA likes to follow up Zerona treatment with the Lumicell device which was originally developed as a cellulite treatment system
Dr Walter Tom Santa Rosa and Napa cosmetic surgeon has developed this procedure that uses local anesthesia to numb the patient rather than the traditional general anesthesia
Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon in Napa CA describes the function Zerona's concept is that through this laser system that's placed on the skin - usually on the abdomen and the back area - it causes our fat cells to become leaky and as these fat cells become leaky the fat leaches out of the cells and is carried away by our lymphatic system our circulation system to our liver and to our kidneys and then we excrete it in our stool or our urine
Some have bashed the treatment as ineffective but as Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon in Napa CA describes it's all about being clear with patients about what results they can reasonably expect with Zerona