Temporarily reduce winkles and fine lines in the face, banish neck bands and clear away crow's feet with one of the world's most popular injectables. BOTOX was approved by the FDA for non-cosmetic use in 1989 and approved for cosmetic use in 2002.
Often reported as the most performed aesthetic procedure by plastic surgery organizations such as The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) the top injectable or filler as voted by the American Health and Beauty Readers' Choice Awards was BOTOX by Allergen ...
Actual Botox results of Dr Brooke JacksonPatients of color also face different cosmetic issues in regards to how they want to look following treatment ...
One of the first in the country plastic surgeon Dr Grant Stevens announces the addition of the BOTOX alternative Xeomin to his plastic surgery practice in Los Angeles ...
Botulinum Toxin
Ideal For: glabellar lines or frown lines between the eyebrows and forehead Crow's FeetActual BOTOX Before and After Photos of Dr Haresh YalamanchiliOne of the most popular procedures available in aesthetic medicine today BOTOX has been used to effectively treat wrinkles that appear around the eyes between eyebrows and forehead ...
Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon who offers Zerona in Napa CA likes to follow up Zerona treatment with the Lumicell device which was originally developed as a cellulite treatment system
Dr Walter Tom Santa Rosa and Napa cosmetic surgeon has developed this procedure that uses local anesthesia to numb the patient rather than the traditional general anesthesia
Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon in Napa CA describes the function Zerona's concept is that through this laser system that's placed on the skin - usually on the abdomen and the back area - it causes our fat cells to become leaky and as these fat cells become leaky the fat leaches out of the cells and is carried away by our lymphatic system our circulation system to our liver and to our kidneys and then we excrete it in our stool or our urine
Some have bashed the treatment as ineffective but as Dr Walter Tom a cosmetic surgeon in Napa CA describes it's all about being clear with patients about what results they can reasonably expect with Zerona