Yarmouth, ME (PRWEB) April 19, 2004 -- Women to Women reported today that since the release of Suzanne Somers' new book, "The Sexy Years -- Discover the Hormone Connection", it has been deluged by callers asking about bioidentical hormones to relieve their symptoms of menopause and perimenopause.
"We haven't seen anything like this since the WHI study on HRT was stopped almost two years ago," said Dixie Mills, MD, a practitioner at Women to Women and a nationally known specialist in breast health. "Because of who she is, and her own personal experience of breast cancer and menopause, a lot of women are really listening to what Suzanne Somers has to say about bioidentical hormones."
Women to Women was founded over 20 years ago. Its all-women practitioners have long opposed the use of synthetic hormones. The compounding of bioidentical hormones that Suzanne Somers now recommends was first used at Women to Women over 15 years ago.
"Suzanne Somers has brought bioidentical hormones to center stage, where they belong," says Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, a co-founder of Women to Women. "Women have been told that there are no alternatives to synthetic HRT for the relief of their symptoms. That's just not true. Women have great alternatives."
"We do have concerns about women following her example without being fully informed of the possible risks and their alternatives," says Dr. Mills. "There are too few studies of bioidentical hormones to assess their real safety, especially in long-term use. And I am concerned about any breast cancer survivor taking estrogen, even bioidentical estrogen."
"There is also a risk that women will read Suzanne Somers book and think that bioidentical hormones are an easy fix," adds Marcelle Pick. "But the truth is, she did many other things first to support her hormonal balance -- dietary changes, nutritional supplements, exercise and lifestyle changes. We've put thousands of women through a similar program and in our experience the great majority find relief. Suzanne Somers is one of those who needed something more. For women like her, prescription-strength bioidentical hormones are invaluable."
For the complete text of Women to Women's recent article on Suzanne Somers and bioidentical hormones, visit their website at: www.womentowomen.com/LIBbioidenticalhormones.asp.
Women to Women is America's leading medical practice devoted to health care for women, by women. Founded over 20 years ago, it has always advocated an approach to women's health that combines alternative and conventional medicine. Through its practice, website and publications, it supports over a million women a year in their efforts to create health and well-being in their lives.