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Implant Options For Patients Considering Bigger Breasts


There are several things to consider before going under the knife for bigger breasts: size, type and placement of the implant all need to be factored in for the best results.

Curves are back and in a big way - if you're looking to change your figure, you have never had more options. Breast implants have come a long way, from the first silicone pair that were used to augment breasts in 1962 to the 4 options we have today. Repeat plastic surgery advocate Joan Rivers and her daughter Melissa Rivers join The Doctors to discuss the options you have for breast augmentation and how your physician can help you choose the right size and type for your body.

breast implants
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While size is initially what brings patients in, there are several other things to take into consideration when considering breast augmentation. Depending on what type of frame you have and what look you're trying to achieve, a smaller or larger implant may be used. "With younger patients, the high profile implants are the most popular. These offer the advantage of increased projection with less implant width required," describes Ann Arbor Michigan breast implant surgeon Dr. Robert Burke, "In the Mommy Makeover age group, this style is also popular although many choose the moderate plus profile with slightly less projection."

Another important thing to consider is the type of implant and a few factors including longevity of the implant and cost come into play here. The Doctors cast member Dr. Drew Ordon describes the 4 main types of implants:
  1. Saline

    The most basic implant, the saline breast implant costs the least. Filled with essentially salt water, this is beneficial if there is leak, the patient is still safe. However, the downside of saline breast implants is that they may rupture, leaving patients with a deflated implant.

  2. Silicone

    Most commonly used, the silicone gel breast implant was pulled off the market for a while due to safety issues. However, the FDA has approved its usage again and has since regained it's popularity amongst patients and physicians alike, due to it's more natural feel. Silicone implants are a bit more expensive than saline implants.

  3. Cohesive Gel

    Also known as the Gummy Bear implant, this type of implant is still under FDA testing. The implant itself is a thicker silicone and the surface of the implant is textured vs. the smooth exterior of the traditional silicone implant. The jury is still out on this particular type of silicone implant but expect to pay at least $1,000 more for it than the traditional silicone implant.

  4. Fat Transfer

    The costliest of all implant options, fat transfer isn't really an implant at all. The procedure takes the patient's own fat from a liposuction procedure and injects it into the breast to create volume without the use of an implant. This option is best for women who are looking to make a small change of breast size but do not want a foreign implant in their bodies.

The last thing to consider when you're thinking about augmenting your breasts is placement of the implant. It is important to discuss with your physician the options you may have for the most natural results. According to Dr. Burke, the dual plane placement offers the best results. The implant is under muscle but the bottom of the implant is within breast tissue. Dr. Burke says, " "I prefer dual plane implant placement. This offers the ability to adjust the amount of muscular coverage to fit the particular patients anatomy. Many women have commented on the natural results."