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PaloVia: At Home Laser Treatment For Wrinkles


FDA approved at-home laser treatment could mean the end to Crows Feet and wrinkles around the eyes - all done at home!

Recently seen on The View, the new at home laser treatment by Palomar, called the PaloVia could revolutionize wrinkle treatment - and all in the privacy of your own home. World renowned cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Frederic Brandt, creator of dr. brandt skincare spoke on The View about the latest in non-invasive facial rejuvenation, including The PaloVia by Palomar.

At Home Laser Treatment For Wrinkles Before After
Actual Before and After Results of PaloVia At Home Laser Treatment
Images Courtesy of Palomar

Palomar's PaloVia is the first FDA-cleared, at-home laser clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Previously, Fractional Resurfacing procedures such as Fraxel or ActiveFX were only available at a professional's office and included costly visits to the dermatologist or medical spa.

This new fractional laser from Palomar utilizes the same premise as that technology and renews skin from below the surface - unlike lotions and creams that address only the superficial layer of skin, the epidermis. The epidermis, the thin, outer layer of skin includes dead skin cells that protect the dermis, where collagen and elastin fibers create the supportive structure needed to support youthful skin. As we age, collagen and elastin break down and we form wrinkles.

The PaloVia brings fractional resurfacing home to the patient - each 3-4 minute treatment affects only a fraction of the skin to keep the outer layer of the skin intact for faster healing and recovery. Over 30 consecutive days, coverage from the laser builds as more skin is treated so results are natural looking but dramatic. Over time, the laser stimulates new collagen and elastin growth to "fill in" the wrinkles naturally.

During the initial phase, the laser is used once daily for 30 days. The maintenance phase is 2x per week after the first month and beyond. Cost is estimated at approximately $500.