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Achieving Optimal Skin Tightening Results with Thermage


Combining award winning skin tightening procedures to achieve a non-surgical face lift

Thermage is the only FDA approved technology of this type for the tightening of skin around the eyes. Results can last for years depending on your skin condition and aging process and it is effective on all skin types and colors.

Dr. Nicole Patel at Radiance Medspa in Wheaton IL offers this combination treatment and says, "We are in a unique position to be able to combine these two treatments to give our patients optimal results for overall skin lifting and tightening."

"A huge benefit to Thermage is that there is no down-time. You can come in during your lunch hour and go straight back to work without anyone knowing you had a procedure performed," says Dr. Patel, "we are also highly trained and certified to perform this procedure and have been performing non-invasive skin tightening treatments (Thermage) since 2008."

According to Dr. Patel, "a good candidate is a male or female that has mild to moderate skin laxity where the skin begins to feel and look less firm. Examples include a lowered eyebrow line, loose skin on the neck and sagging under the chin. Other clients include those who have had a face lift previously and just need a little tightening again."

Patients who have a significant amount of skin laxity or patients with unrealistic expectations may not be good candidates for any non-invasive skin tightening treatments. Additionally, candidates with certain types of dermal fillers in the treatment site, active implants or metallic implants, or open wounds are not candidates for this procedure.

Of course, there are other conditions that may make a patient not an ideal candidate for this or other procedures, which is why you should always have a consultation from a doctor (or even a couple).