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Pearl Laser and IPL Improve Skin Color and Quality


Evening out skin tone is a concern for more than just aging patients.

A desire for better, more even skin tone isn't just for the aging population. Many younger people also want to remove discolorations, shrink pores and rejuvenate the skin. Using a combination of laser treatments can help to remove dark spots and improve the overall appearance of skin.

A resurfacing treatment can be used in combination with IPL to produce amazing results. One of the devices available is the Pearl laser from Cutera. Combining both the Pearl laser treatment and IPL greatly reduces the appearance of redness and discolorations.

treatment for freckles
Results of Dr. Tahl Humes, Patient treated with IPL immediately followed by Pearl

Denver Pearl laser physician Dr. Tahl Humes says that when she consults with her patients and asks about their skin issues, she's found that many of them really are in need of resurfacing. "When they start describing what they're seeing, they are a perfect candidate for Pearl." Dr. Humes says the Pearl laser is an ideal treatment for patients who have sun damage, and maybe some fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes.

Following the procedure, it should take about 5-10 days for the skin to heal up. "The Pearl laser is the one that actually resurfaces the entire top layer of the skin. It's going to help with browns, pore size, texture, fine lines and wrinkles. It's going to then heat the superficial dermis and stimulate some collagen. That's going to be great for anybody who's young and just wants their skin to look better."
treatment for freckles
Results of Dr. Tahl Humes, Patient treated with IPL immediately followed by Pearl

IPL treatments emit a laser signal which is absorbed by the patient's melanin, the material that pigments the skin. The injured tissue is then removed by the body's natural processes and the skin appears fresh and even.

The price of treatment with lasers alone will cost around $1000-$3000, depending on which treatment you opt for. If you have fillers done as well, then it can cost up to around $5000. Some patients choose this treatment over having a face lift for the cost savings and to keep from going through the recovery. If you're concerned about discoloration and aging, ask your physician about fractional resurfacing and Pearl Fusion.